Special Scholarships in Turkey

In Turkey, there are many support scholarships for international students, whether they include all student expenses from tuition, housing, travel, or special scholarships for a specific monthly salary. Now, through Unfind team, you can explore all government scholarships, the registration ways, and the various advantages that these scholarships offer.

Aydin Dogan Endowment Scholarship

The Aydin Dogan Endowment is offering a financial scholarship to undergraduate students. This scholarship includes only a monthly sum of money provided by the Waqf, and the registration for this scholarship takes place in September of each year. The endowment did not specify the monthly scholarship, but indicated the required conditions on its official page. For more information and conditions, please click here.

Sabanci Endowment Scholarship

Sabanci Endowment offers a financial scholarship for a period of nine months. The endowment did not indicate the possibility of registration for foreign students, but foreign students with Turkish citizenship are entitled to apply for this scholarship. There are conditions and policies that the endowment takes into account while registering for the scholarship. For more information, please click here.

Babi-Alem Scholarship

Babi-Alem is an association affiliated with UDEF, the International Students Organization. UDEF has several associations in all Turkish cities, and it in turn offers a grant of 250 TL per month for a period of nine months. Babi-Alem Association is for students in Istanbul, and registration for this scholarship is in the association’s center. For more information, please click here.

İlim Yayma Endowment Scholarship

İlim Yayma Endowment provided a good financial scholarship for foreign and Turkish students, for a period of 12 months. However, the scholarship is limited to graduate students (Masters and Ph.D.) In general, registration begins in September and the results are in November. The amount of the scholarship is [1600 tl for master’s students – 2250 tl for doctoral students],

Araştırma Dayanışma ve Eğitim Endowment Scholarship

The endowment provides a financial scholarship to poor and hardworking students. The duration of the scholarship is eight months, starting in the tenth month and ending in the fifth month of each year, and the amount is 500 TL per month. Registration for the scholarship is in September of each year.

Ensar Endowment Scholarship

The Ansar Endowment offers a financial scholarship of 600 liras per month for foreign students. The grant includes both undergraduate and graduate students. Registration for the scholarship generally begins in September, and the results appear after interviews are conducted with the students. For more information, please click here.

Toplum Gönüllüsü Endowment Bursu

This endowment provides a financial scholarship, but the accepted ones are required to participate in the voluntary activities conducted by the endowment. The endowment did not specify the amount of the scholarship or if it is for Turks or foreigners. The registration on this scholarship is in the ninth month of each year.


İnsan Endowment Bursu

The Human Endowment provides a financial scholarship to foreign students on an annual basis. In addition, it offers housing scholarships in student dormitories. This is announced during the eighth month of each year. You can apply and see the scholarship publication after registering on the site as a member.


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